Future of your Business, Family and Wider World by Dr Patrick Dixon, Futurist Speaker, Keynotes on Growth Strategies and Leadership, Lecture Slides, Articles and Videos from Conferences - 15 million unique visitors to MAIN Futurist site (articles / keynotes / videos) - link on right to www.globalchange.com
July 24, 2011
When the job becomes a mission, job satisfaction, making a difference - ...
Lessons from non-profit organisations like the AIDS agency ACET, volunteer groups, charities and foundations, and passions for future of our wider world, issues, activism, campaigns, environment, global warming. Improve job satisfaction and staff engagement in your teams. Surveys of motivation, workplace engagement, wanting to find purpose at work. Mid-life crisis, passion for work, work-life balance and family life, hobbies, personal interests. Satisfaction and morale at work in public satisfaction. Public sector workers, business workplace and lessons for leaders, team managers. Video by Patrick Dixon, conference keynote speaker for Welsh Parliament public sector workers, doctors, nurses, council workers, teachers, non-profit workers, social workers.
July 23, 2011
Getting better balance in your life - at work and home. Work-life time m...
Relationships and family -- work-life balance is number one or two priority. Child-care, child support, juggling responsibilities. Work-life balance surveys, stress on female workers, mothers with young children. Impact of worcoholic parents on family life. Long hours impact on personal health. Patrick Dixon keynote speaker for Welsh Parliament
July 22, 2011
"Friday Night feeling"? FED UP with your job? Job satisfaction, motivati...
Improve job satisfaction and staff engagement in your teams. Surveys of motivation, workplace engagement, wanting to find purpose at work. Mid-life crisis, passion for work, work-life balance and family life, hobbies, personal interests. Satisfaction and morale at work in public satisfaction. Public sector workers, business workplace and lessons for leaders, team managers. Video by Patrick Dixon, conference keynote speaker for Welsh Parliament public sector workers, doctors, nurses, council workers, teachers, non-profit workers, social workers. Human resources. Management training programme. Connect with passion -- mind, body and spirit. Passion to make a difference. Purpose and meaning in life comes from sense of calling and destiny, contributing to the lives of other people. Secret of personal happiness -- friends, relationships, spirituality, optimistic frame of mind. Keynote speaker Patrick Dixon for Welsh Parliament
"Friday Night feeling"? FED UP with your job? Job satisfaction, motivati...
Improve job satisfaction and staff engagement in your teams. Surveys of motivation, workplace engagement, wanting to find purpose at work. Mid-life crisis, passion for work, work-life balance and family life, hobbies, personal interests. Satisfaction and morale at work in public satisfaction. Public sector workers, business workplace and lessons for leaders, team managers. Video by Patrick Dixon, conference keynote speaker for Welsh Parliament public sector workers, doctors, nurses, council workers, teachers, non-profit workers, social workers. Human resources. Management training programme. Connect with passion -- mind, body and spirit. Passion to make a difference. Purpose and meaning in life comes from sense of calling and destiny, contributing to the lives of other people. Secret of personal happiness -- friends, relationships, spirituality, optimistic frame of mind. Keynote speaker Patrick Dixon for Welsh Parliament
Vital lessons for all leaders from volunteering, non-profit foundations....
Lessons from non-profit organisations, volunteer groups, charities and foundations, and passions for future of our wider world, issues, activism, campaigns, environment, global warming. Improve job satisfaction and staff engagement in your teams. Surveys of motivation, workplace engagement, wanting to find purpose at work. Mid-life crisis, passion for work, work-life balance and family life, hobbies, personal interests. Satisfaction and morale at work in public satisfaction. Public sector workers, business workplace and lessons for leaders, team managers. Video by Patrick Dixon, conference keynote speaker for Welsh Parliament public sector workers, doctors, nurses, council workers, teachers, non-profit workers, social workers. Human resources. Management training programme. Connect with passion -- mind, body and spirit. Passion to make a difference. Purpose and meaning in life comes from sense of calling and destiny, contributing to the lives of other people. Secret of personal happiness -- friends, relationships, spirituality, optimistic frame of mind.
July 21, 2011
Here Comes Radical Change: Future of Public Services, Demographics -- Ke...
Patrick Dixon -- conference keynote speaker -- impact of demographics, birth rates, youth, urban migration and immigration, life expectancy forecasts. All impact demand for public services, health care budgets, community services, demand for education, need for schools. Presentation for Welsh Parliament to public sector workers -- police officers, fire service, local councils, municipal authorities, teachers, social workers, health visitors, care assistants, community officers, health and safety advisors, government contractors and service providers. Changing culture, challenging structures and attitudes. Practical leadership lessons in change management for public sector workers. Team leadership and motivation to change working practices, encourage efficiency, cost savings, better standards, improved output and service impact.
Global Warming: action your company can take to reduce carbon footprint...
Environment, innovation, agility, business. Offset carbon use from conference travel. Sustainable business and how green technology will help sustainability, climate change, global warming, water shortages, food shortages, transport, energy, fuel, cities. Future aviation, travel, rail, cars, tourism, corporate travel, heating, lighting, heat pumps. Solar cells, wind power, biofuels, alternatiive energy generation. Future of coil, oil, gas and nuclear power. Electric vehicles. Green living. Protecting rainforests. Why climate change and other sustainability issues can be solved. Costs of global warming action. Marketing of green tech. Open innovation and crowdsourcing. Leadership of business and government. Government regulation, politics and political agreement. Activists and campaigning.
How to market using social media. Rules for social networking. Give info...
Social media, using social networks to market products and services. Take hold of your future: emotions. Leadership training, motivational speaker. Patrick Dixon biography, bio, cv - ranked one of world's 20 most influential business thinkers alive today (Thinkers 50 2005) Great events change people: 4,500 event organisers(MPI. Keynote conference speaker (MPI).Future corporate events: motivational leadership programmes, executive education, team development, innovation seminars, strategy workshops, consumer groups, marketing forums, competitor analysis think tanks, team building exercises and motivational client events. Effective management depends on great communication of leadership vision, mission and strategy. Future of banks, banking, insurance, health, technology, social media, advertising, telecom, mobile phones, smartphones, e-commerce, retail, manufacturing, logistics, supply chain management, oil industry, energy, environment, green tech, pharmaceutical industry, education, government trends, regulation, compliance, human resources. Conference organisation and event planning.
July 20, 2011
How Google+ and Google Circles will change your business, private live and wider world
Google Plus and Google Circles – Impact on Search Engine Optimisation, your business and private life
Google Circles hit 10 million members after just 2 weeks of informal invitations and will have a big impact on Facebook as well as how websites are ranked in Google Search.Google Circles is not a simple replacement for Facebook.
Google Circles is rightly called a Project by Google. It is part of a grand re-alignment of our digital futures.
Part of the new Google Project is Google+.
Every web page now has a new popularity rating, based not only on how many people have clicked +1 boxes, but also on who those people are, and how well you know them personally. But that means Google has to know who you are, who other people are, and how all the world's relationships mesh together.
Relational Relevance is what it's all about - not just relevance of Search keywords to particular ideas or pages.
We can be certain that Google+ scores for each website will have a soon have a significant impact on search listings. What does it all mean for you and your business?
Here is the background to Google Circles:
For many years, Search Engine teams have tried to use personal recommendations and things like click through’s on search results, as part of the scoring process to decide which websites appear highest.As soon as any new method is used by Search Engines, you can be sure that tens of thousands of people will try to trick it – and that is what happened, with companies selling clicks, recommendations and so on.
Just look at the number of companies who are selling video views and video recommendations to try and subvert YouTube’s search engine.
At the same time, social networks have taken off in a way hard to imagine five years ago – particularly Facebook and Twitter.
To some extent they have both been victims of their own success: many people have more contacts than they can really relate to, all muddled together – work, home, family, close friends, club members and so on. Neither Facebook or Twitter offer any solution other than creating multiple identities which is tedious.
Google responded first to the Search issue over the last year or so by focusing on Facebook LIKE scores and Twitter links. Detailed research suggests that Facebook links are a much more potent driver of Google Search results than Twitter, which is what we would expect.
After all, what would you trust more: 1000 recommendations from your extended Facebook connections, or 1000 Tweets (which could easily be generated by a simple spam machine).
Google has also been worried that many people spend more time on Facebook than they do using Google services.
Loads more.....
July 19, 2011
Wow! Experience is everything in presenting to customers, consumers, tea...
Experience matters: live shows, busking, smell, taste, being there, multimedia, £D marketing, immersion experiences. Future of face-to-face marketing, selling, customer relationship development. Future of travel and tourism, holidays and cruise. Future of entertainment, fashion, media and film or cinema. Future of the music industry, EMI, Sony and live musical performances. Thumb test. Live theatre and theatre audiences. Great leadership - connect with audience passion. How to give world-class powerpoint presentations How to wow your audience as CEO or Chairman at an annual corporate event. How to win customers, social media networks, and communicate vision at corporate events. How to structure your presentation, using embedded videos, images, multimedia content. Common powerpoint mistakes. Death by Powerpoint. How to lose audience attention. How to make a speech and how to give a world-class lecture. How to prepare a talk. How to communicate with an audience.
How NOT to motivate teams, companies - BIG mistakes and how to avoid. Le...
Great leadership speeches - connect with audience passion. How to give world-class powerpoint presentations using Powerpoint 2007, Powerpoint 2011, on PC or Mac. How to wow your audience as CEO or Chairman at an annual corporate event. How to win customers and communicate vision at corporate events. How to structure your presentation, using embedded videos, images, multimedia content. Common powerpoint mistakes. Death by Powerpoint. How to lose audience attention. How to make a speech and how to give a world-class lecture. How to prepare a talk. How to communicate with an audience. How to overcome stage fright and stage nerves before giving a speech. Customer + team passion, change management - leadership styles to change teams, structures, processes, organisations, businesses. Take hold of your future: emotions. Lessons from the past in trends analysis, growth strategies, leadership training, motivational speaker. Patrick Dixon biography, bio, cv - ranked one of world's 20 most influential business thinkers alive today (Thinkers 50 2005) Great events change people: 4,500 event organisers(MPI. Keynote conference speaker (MPI).
How NOT to motivate teams, companies - BIG mistakes and how to avoid. Le...
Great leadership speeches - connect with audience passion. How to give world-class powerpoint presentations using Powerpoint 2007, Powerpoint 2011, on PC or Mac. How to wow your audience as CEO or Chairman at an annual corporate event. How to win customers and communicate vision at corporate events. How to structure your presentation, using embedded videos, images, multimedia content. Common powerpoint mistakes. Death by Powerpoint. How to lose audience attention. How to make a speech and how to give a world-class lecture. How to prepare a talk. How to communicate with an audience. How to overcome stage fright and stage nerves before giving a speech. Customer + team passion, change management - leadership styles to change teams, structures, processes, organisations, businesses. Take hold of your future: emotions. Lessons from the past in trends analysis, growth strategies, leadership training, motivational speaker. Patrick Dixon biography, bio, cv - ranked one of world's 20 most influential business thinkers alive today (Thinkers 50 2005) Great events change people: 4,500 event organisers(MPI. Keynote conference speaker (MPI).
Inspire your Team! Ultimate Leadership Speech. Give Great Powerpoint Pre...
Great leadership speeches - connect with audience passion. How to give world-class powerpoint presentations using Powerpoint 2007, Powerpoint 2011, on PC or Mac. How to wow your audience as CEO or Chairman at an annual corporate event. How to win customers and communicate vision at corporate events. How to structure your presentation, using embedded videos, images, multimedia content. Common powerpoint mistakes. Death by Powerpoint. How to lose audience attention. How to make a speech and how to give a world-class lecture. How to prepare a talk. How to communicate with an audience. How to overcome stage fright and stage nerves before giving a speech. Customer + team passion, change management - leadership styles to change teams, structures, processes, organisations, businesses. Take hold of your future: emotions. Lessons from the past in trends analysis, growth strategies, leadership training, motivational speaker. Patrick Dixon biography, bio, cv - ranked one of world's 20 most influential business thinkers alive today (Thinkers 50 2005) Great events change people: 4,500 event organisers(MPI. Keynote conference speaker (MPI).
July 18, 2011
Passion Will Drive the Future. Team Leadership, Motivational Management ...
Customer + team passion, change management - leadership styles to change teams, structures, processes, organisations, businesses. Take hold of your future: emotions. Lessons from the past in trends analysis, growth strategies, leadership training, motivational speaker. Patrick Dixon biography, bio, cv - ranked one of world's 20 most influential business thinkers alive today (Thinkers 50 2005) Great events change people: 4,500 event organisers(MPI. Keynote conference speaker (MPI).Future corporate events: motivational leadership programmes, executive education, team development, innovation seminars, strategy workshops, consumer groups, marketing forums, competitor analysis think tanks, team building exercises and motivational client events. Effective management depends on great communication of leadership vision, mission and strategy. Future of banks, banking, insurance, health, technology, social media, advertising, telecom, mobile phones, smartphones, e-commerce, retail, manufacturing, logistics, supply chain management, oil industry, energy, environment, green tech, pharmaceutical industry, education, government trends, regulation, compliance, human resources. Conference organisation and event planning. Great leadership speeches, motivational tools for team leadership, and how to communicate with large audiences. Change management, business transformation and vision building. Video by keynote conference speaker and Futurist Patrick Dixon. How to motivate business leaders for high performance, profitability and shareholder value. Industry trends for successful events in banking, banks, financial services, investments and fund management, insurance, retail, manufacturing, logistics, services, advertising brands, marketing, aviation, travel, transport, tourism, construction and real estate, government and non profit organisations, energy, sustainability, sustainable innovation, green technology, open innovation, crowdsourcing, outsourcing, food and drink / beverages, fast-moving goods (FMG), IT and communications, mobile phones, smart phones, satellite, entertainment industry, music industry, media, public relatiions, human resources, change management, strategy, risk management and other sectors. Secrets of successful corporate events, and how to give a great, inspiring, uplifting, encouraging, powerful CEO keynote speech. Effective executive education, programme development and manager training. Work-life balance and workplace motivation, leadership styles and team building. Staff retention, motivation, recruitment and talent development. University degree courses, MBAs and career progression. Why staging, lighting, theatre and performance really matter in successful corporate events. Videoconferencing, virtual teams, virtual working and virtual organisations why most people do not like videoconferencing and how to make video interviews or presentations work in conference programmes. How to create and deliver great lectures using powerpoint and other technology. Innovation and creativity in conference planning or business school programmes. Impact of global warming, climate change and energy prices on demand for corporate events, corporate travel and event location. Secrets of great event production, staging and use of multimedia. Presentation by keynote conference speaker, author and broadcaster Patrick Dixon author of Sustainagility, Building a Better Business and Futurewise.
Teams and Tribes Make it Happen. Change Management, Leadership Styles. M...
Change management - leadership styles to change teams, structures, processes, organisations, businesses. Take hold of your future: my personal story as a Futurist. Lessons from the past in trends analysis, growth strategies, leadership training, motivational speaker. Patrick Dixon biography, bio, cv - ranked one of world's 20 most influential business thinkers alive today (Thinkers 50 2005) Great events change people: 4,500 event organisers(MPI. Keynote conference speaker (MPI).Future corporate events: motivational leadership programmes, executive education, team development, innovation seminars, strategy workshops, consumer groups, marketing forums, competitor analysis think tanks, team building exercises and motivational client events. Effective management depends on great communication of leadership vision, mission and strategy. Future of banks, banking, insurance, health, technology, social media, advertising, telecom, mobile phones, smartphones, e-commerce, retail, manufacturing, logistics, supply chain management, oil industry, energy, environment, green tech, pharmaceutical industry, education, government trends, regulation, compliance, human resources. Conference organisation and event planning. Great leadership speeches, motivational tools for team leadership, and how to communicate with large audiences. Change management, business transformation and vision building. Video by keynote conference speaker and Futurist Patrick Dixon. How to motivate business leaders for high performance, profitability and shareholder value. Industry trends for successful events in banking, banks, financial services, investments and fund management, insurance, retail, manufacturing, logistics, services, advertising brands, marketing, aviation, travel, transport, tourism, construction and real estate, government and non profit organisations, energy, sustainability, sustainable innovation, green technology, open innovation, crowdsourcing, outsourcing, food and drink / beverages, fast-moving goods (FMG), IT and communications, mobile phones, smart phones, satellite, entertainment industry, music industry, media, public relatiions, human resources, change management, strategy, risk management and other sectors. Secrets of successful corporate events, and how to give a great, inspiring, uplifting, encouraging, powerful CEO keynote speech. Effective executive education, programme development and manager training. Work-life balance and workplace motivation, leadership styles and team building. Staff retention, motivation, recruitment and talent development. University degree courses, MBAs and career progression. Why staging, lighting, theatre and performance really matter in successful corporate events. Videoconferencing, virtual teams, virtual working and virtual organisations why most people do not like videoconferencing and how to make video interviews or presentations work in conference programmes. How to create and deliver great lectures using powerpoint and other technology. Innovation and creativity in conference planning or business school programmes. Impact of global warming, climate change and energy prices on demand for corporate events, corporate travel and event location. Secrets of great event production, staging and use of multimedia. Presentation by keynote conference speaker, author and broadcaster Patrick Dixon author of Sustainagility, Building a Better Business and Futurewise.
Change Management: Make it Happen. Leadership Methods and Styles. Motiva...
Change management - leadership styles to change teams, structures, processes, organisations, businesses. Take hold of your future: my personal story as a Futurist. Lessons from the past in trends analysis, growth strategies, leadership training, motivational speaker. Patrick Dixon biography, bio, cv - ranked one of world's 20 most influential business thinkers alive today (Thinkers 50 2005) Great events change people: 4,500 event organisers(MPI. Keynote conference speaker (MPI).Future corporate events: motivational leadership programmes, executive education, team development, innovation seminars, strategy workshops, consumer groups, marketing forums, competitor analysis think tanks, team building exercises and motivational client events. Effective management depends on great communication of leadership vision, mission and strategy. Future of banks, banking, insurance, health, technology, social media, advertising, telecom, mobile phones, smartphones, e-commerce, retail, manufacturing, logistics, supply chain management, oil industry, energy, environment, green tech, pharmaceutical industry, education, government trends, regulation, compliance, human resources. Conference organisation and event planning. Great leadership speeches, motivational tools for team leadership, and how to communicate with large audiences. Change management, business transformation and vision building. Video by keynote conference speaker and Futurist Patrick Dixon. How to motivate business leaders for high performance, profitability and shareholder value. Industry trends for successful events in banking, banks, financial services, investments and fund management, insurance, retail, manufacturing, logistics, services, advertising brands, marketing, aviation, travel, transport, tourism, construction and real estate, government and non profit organisations, energy, sustainability, sustainable innovation, green technology, open innovation, crowdsourcing, outsourcing, food and drink / beverages, fast-moving goods (FMG), IT and communications, mobile phones, smart phones, satellite, entertainment industry, music industry, media, public relatiions, human resources, change management, strategy, risk management and other sectors. Secrets of successful corporate events, and how to give a great, inspiring, uplifting, encouraging, powerful CEO keynote speech. Effective executive education, programme development and manager training. Work-life balance and workplace motivation, leadership styles and team building. Staff retention, motivation, recruitment and talent development. University degree courses, MBAs and career progression. Why staging, lighting, theatre and performance really matter in successful corporate events. Videoconferencing, virtual teams, virtual working and virtual organisations why most people do not like videoconferencing and how to make video interviews or presentations work in conference programmes. How to create and deliver great lectures using powerpoint and other technology. Innovation and creativity in conference planning or business school programmes. Impact of global warming, climate change and energy prices on demand for corporate events, corporate travel and event location. Secrets of great event production, staging and use of multimedia. Presentation by keynote conference speaker, author and broadcaster Patrick Dixon author of Sustainagility, Building a Better Business and Futurewise.
Leadership, Motivation, Management, Industry Trends Analysis - What is a...
Take hold of your future: trends analysis, growth strategies, leadership training, motivational speaker. Patrick Dixon ranked one of world's 20 most influential business thinkers alive today (Thinkers 50 2005) Great events change people: 4,500 event organisers(MPI. Keynote conference speaker (MPI).Future corporate events: motivational leadership programmes, executive education, team development, innovation seminars, strategy workshops, consumer groups, marketing forums, competitor analysis think tanks, team building exercises and motivational client events. Effective management depends on great communication of leadership vision, mission and strategy. Future of banks, banking, insurance, health, technology, social media, advertising, telecom, mobile phones, smartphones, e-commerce, retail, manufacturing, logistics, supply chain management, oil industry, energy, environment, green tech, pharmaceutical industry, education, government trends, regulation, compliance, human resources. Conference organisation and event planning. Great leadership speeches, motivational tools for team leadership, and how to communicate with large audiences. Change management, business transformation and vision building. Video by keynote conference speaker and Futurist Patrick Dixon. How to motivate business leaders for high performance, profitability and shareholder value. Industry trends for successful events in banking, banks, financial services, investments and fund management, insurance, retail, manufacturing, logistics, services, advertising brands, marketing, aviation, travel, transport, tourism, construction and real estate, government and non profit organisations, energy, sustainability, sustainable innovation, green technology, open innovation, crowdsourcing, outsourcing, food and drink / beverages, fast-moving goods (FMG), IT and communications, mobile phones, smart phones, satellite, entertainment industry, music industry, media, public relatiions, human resources, change management, strategy, risk management and other sectors. Secrets of successful corporate events, and how to give a great, inspiring, uplifting, encouraging, powerful CEO keynote speech. Effective executive education, programme development and manager training. Work-life balance and workplace motivation, leadership styles and team building. Staff retention, motivation, recruitment and talent development. University degree courses, MBAs and career progression. Why staging, lighting, theatre and performance really matter in successful corporate events. Videoconferencing, virtual teams, virtual working and virtual organisations why most people do not like videoconferencing and how to make video interviews or presentations work in conference programmes. How to create and deliver great lectures using powerpoint and other technology. Innovation and creativity in conference planning or business school programmes. Impact of global warming, climate change and energy prices on demand for corporate events, corporate travel and event location. Secrets of great event production, staging and use of multimedia. Presentation by keynote conference speaker, author and broadcaster Patrick Dixon author of Sustainagility, Building a Better Business and Futurewise.
Getting older: Impact of ageing on US, Latin America, Europe, Japan, China
Aging impact on America, Canada and Latin America. Retirement, older workers, social care, medicare budgets. Obesity impact on future of food industry, prevention of weight problems, diabetes, heart disease and stroke. Food and drink for health, disease prevention and to improve life expectancy, so food becomes a health product. Worries about obesity and impact on food and beverage sales, consumer choice, product formulation. Retail food sales and fast food outlets are all affected by move to healthier products. Marketing shift to providing information to customers so that they can make informed choices. Food regulation -- safety, nutrition, obesity risks, healthy diet. Video made at Femsa event -- Patrick Dixon conference keynote speaker.
Food and Drink Industry, Health, Nutrition and Obesity, consumers, custo...
Obesity impact on future of food industry, prevention of weight problems, diabetes, heart disease and stroke. Rapid growth in numbers of obese babies, children and young adults. Demographic impact of 1 billion children and their parents. Demand for bottled water by worried parents. Huge growth in low carb sparking beverages, fruit drinks, soft drinks, carbonated beverages with nutritional benefit. Trends in sales of low sugar drinks, with nutrition labeling, Coca-Cola sales, added vitamins, antioxidants. Future of beverages industry. Food and drink for health, disease prevention and to improve life expectancy, so food becomes a health product. Worries about obesity and impact on food and beverage sales, consumer choice, product formulation. Retail food sales and fast food outlets are all affected by move to healthier products. Marketing shift to providing information to customers so that they can make informed choices. Food regulation -- safety, nutrition, obesity risks, healthy diet. Video made at Femsa event -- Patrick Dixon conference keynote speaker.
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