Building a Better Business - reviews of book by Dr Patrick Dixon
Press reviews of Building a Better Business - guide to marketing, management and motivation
"THE bookshelves are heaving with texts about how to improve your business and it"s not always that much fun for us having to wade through them on your behalf. However, Building a Better Business by Patrick Dixon, comes with a glowing testimonial from none other than Sir Digby Jones, director general of the CBI. According to the author many companies could increase their productivity by more than 10% by "re-discovering their real purpose". He says there is a "motivational crisis" in business in the UK and Ireland .
Mr Dixon puts forward a five-point plan to bring about a radical change in business thinking: 1. Reconnect with your true purpose; 2. Focus far more on the good the company does; 3. Take a wider view - what else can the company do?; 4. Connect with the passions of you staff and customers; 5. Put your money with your mouth is. He backs up his philosophies with case studies and research although statistics can, of course, be interpreted in different ways.
Mr Dixon has a heavyweight reputation in the business world with the Wall Street Journal hailing him as a "global change guru Sir Digby described it as "one of the most stimulating and challenging reads in this field for a very long time."
Daily Post 6 April 2005