Future of aviation industry with higher oil prices. Operational efficiency and budget airlines, capacity, turnaround time, cost reduction, seat occupancy, load factor increase, fuel efficiency with new planes. Future of airline travel for business, leisure and tourism. Transport competition from road and rail. Total fuel element of travel cost small. Discounted air fares. Aviation industry profitability, crisis, mergers and acquisitions. Long haul flights and short haul flights. Carbon offset travel carbon dioxide emissions -- airlines. Air freight carbon offset for DHL, UPS and Fedex. Average cost per passenger seat. Dollar price of oil. Future oil price trends. Impact of higher oil prices on aviation. Use of biofuel and alternative fuels. Business class tickets, image and public relations. Alternatives to commercial travel for meetings.Video by keynote conference speaker Dr Patrick Dixon, Futurist and author of 12 books on global trends including Futurewise and Building a Better Business.

Future of your Business, Family and Wider World by Dr Patrick Dixon, Futurist Speaker, Keynotes on Growth Strategies and Leadership, Lecture Slides, Articles and Videos from Conferences - 15 million unique visitors to MAIN Futurist site (articles / keynotes / videos) - link on right to www.globalchange.com
April 30, 2008
Oil prices and aviation industry trends
April 29, 2008
Electric cars future - global warming impact?
Future Electric Cars
Future electric cars. Held back by battery technology innovation. Lead acid and now nickel cadmium. Charging time, capacity, miles and energy efficiency. Global warming -- where does the electricity come from? Zero emissions in cities but same emissions maybe from power generator elsewhere. Tax savings on electric cars. Manufacturers and size of market for electric cars. Electric car taxation and running costs. Efficiency and impact on environment.
Electric cars, vehicles, lorries, vans, transport, transportation, battery, capacity, market. Dr Patrick Dixon, Futurist and author of 12 books on global trends including Futurewise and Building a Better Business.
April 28, 2008
Solar panels future, energy generation and global warming
Payback period of solar cells, next generation solar panel technology. Increasing solar panel efficiency. Energy generation comparison with wind power. Better insulation. Carbon emissions impact and global warming action. Government subsidies and grants, sell back to national grid, supply prices. Germany solar cell market sales future trends. Growth of solar cell manufacturing, innovation. Future of solar cells.Video by keynote conference speaker Dr Patrick Dixon, Futurist and author of 12 books on global trends including Futurewise and Building a Better Business.
April 27, 2008
Geothermal heating -- heat pumps and global warming
Geothermal heat pumps to heat or cool homes. Impact on global warming replacing gas boilers, oil boilers and air conditioning systems. Same technology as fridge in home. Heat homes, tower blocks, factories, commercial buildings, real estate developments, schools, hospitals and government buildings. Energy savings. Heat exchange. Sweden heat pumps, Switzerland geothermal heating, New Zealand heat pumps. Growth of geothermal installation companies. Payback period. Annual savings. Undergound pipes. Power supply, electricity peak demand. Seasonal changes in demand. Science of geothermal heating systems. How geothermal heating works. How geothermal cooling works. Innovation in global warming reduction -- cutting greenhouse gas emissions. Size of geothermal market in Europe, America, Australia and Asia. Video by keynote conference speaker Dr Patrick Dixon, Futurist and author of 12 books on global trends including Futurewise and Building a Better Business. Heat pumps, geothermal, energy saving, carbon trading, caps, emissions, carbon dioxide, offset, offsetting, fraud, accounting, heat saving, global warming, science, heating, cooling, air conditioning
April 26, 2008
Carbon offset trading fraud -- huge criminal activity
Carbon offsets and carbon offsetting fraud. Lack of carbon market regulation, verification and independent audit of carbon saving schemes. Need to prove genuine carbon reduction, proof of additionality. Government exaggeration of carbon use, false carbon credits. Kyoto compliance and global warming action, reducing emissions of carbon dioxide. Carbon capture, carbon sequestration, underground storage of carbon dioxide. Double counting. Subsidies and grants for no added value. False accounting for emissions and carbon saving. Inconsistent measures and public standards. Global carbon trading and caps on carbon emissions. Carbon swops between industries, corporations and governments. International standards for carbon trading. Profits from carbon markets and CO2 trades. Emission reduction and energy savings. Video by keynote conference speaker Dr Patrick Dixon, Futurist and author of 12 books on global trends including Futurewise and Building a Better Business. Carbon trading, caps, emissions, carbon dioxide, offset, offsetting, fraud, accounting, regulation, market, trade, marketing, capure, sequestration, storage, energy savings, government, global warming
Carbon trading, caps, emissions, carbon dioxide, offset, offsetting, fraud, accounting, regulation, market, trade, marketing, capure, sequestration, storage, energy savings, government, global warming
April 25, 2008
Falling Birth Rates? Impact of falling fertility
Impact on demographics of falling birth rate in EU, America, Canada, Japan, India, China, Asia, Africa. Falling fertility with increasing age of first conception. Child birth and child care. Older mothers and biological risks. Health care and obstetrics. IVF and infertility treatments. Ageing mothers and career pressures, baby career breaks. Pensions and social impact of older population. Future families and child rearing. Children of older parents. Psychological, physical, mental and emotional pressures of parenthood. Gender inequality and gender discrimination at work. Why birth rates are falling. Impact on population. Video by keynote conference speaker Dr Patrick Dixon, Futurist and author of 12 books on global trends including Futurewise and Building a Better Business. Birth rates, falling, fertility, women, female, trends, demographic, population, growth, decline, rates, treatment, families, gender, careers, children, babies, conception, child, asia, America, Europe, africa
Birth rates, falling, fertility, women, female, trends, demographic, population, growth, decline, rates, treatment, families, gender, careers, children, babies, conception, child, asia, America, Europe, Africa
April 24, 2008
Spying at Work -- espionage, who, how, why, how to stop it
Spying at work, industrial espionage, how data is stolen, data leakage, discovery before patent protection, intellectual capital theft, client data losses, blackmail of banks after penetration of data security systems, databases and confidential information. Why attacks are common. Methods used to attack corporations. Why greatest security risks are your own employees: own staff leaving or leaking information while still in your corporation. Bugging devices detection, remote listening devices. Big Brother is watching you. MI5, CIA, KGB have powers to intercept phone calls, e-mail, video, fax and data transmissions to prevent crime, terrorism and subversive activity, and similar technology can be used to target legitimate business. Data protection and confidentiality. Steps business leaders need to take to improve own security and manage risk. Rule Number 1 is be aware that greatest risks are usually internal. Video by keynote conference speaker Dr Patrick Dixon, Futurist and author of 12 books on global trends including Futurewise and Building a Better Business.
Security, data loss, intellectual capital, patents, theft, industrial espionage, threat, risk, corporations, databases,, intercept, listening devices, bugging detection, spying corporations, protection information
April 23, 2008
Toxic Testosterone Culture - Why women leave business -
Toxic testosterone culture. Glass ceiling, career promotion and career blockage. Gender inequality, gender discrimination and improving workplace diversity. College performance, employers, recruitment. War for talent. Why women are most of best talent at junior management, but poor representation at senior management. Incompetent men eliminate women from workplace -- male culture, macho, sexist humour, non flexible working, no career breaks, no flexitime, no child care, no understanding of work-life balance and family issues including caring for elderly relatives as well as young children at home. Steps corporations can take to improve diversity, win war for talent, become employer of choice, improve staff morale, staff retention, motivation and workplace productivity. Female talent losses reduce competitive advantage in long term. Stress at work. Changing working practices, innovation and use of virtual working, virtual teams and creation of virtual organisations. Promotion of part-time work and flexible working hours. Career break allowances and gap years. Parenting leave. Video by keynote conference speaker Dr Patrick Dixon, Futurist and author of 12 books on global trends including Futurewise and Building a Better Business. Women, female, workplace, diversity, gender inequality, glass ceiling, career, war for talent, leadership, motivation, career planning, virtual working, retention, productivity, flexible, work, business, male, culture
Women, female, workplace, diversity, gender inequality, glass ceiling, career, war for talent, leadership, motivation, career planning, virtual working, retention, productivity, flexible, work, business, male, culture
April 22, 2008
UK joining Euro -- less likely after sub-prime crisis
Impact of subprime crisis on Euro entry date by Britain. Interest rate control Federal Reserve, European Central Bank (ECB) and Bank of England. Sovereignty and national autonomy to manage economy. Tightening and loosening of monetary policy in response to inflation of commodities, retail price index and house market indicators. Eurozone control of economic policy. Government freedom in times of financial crisis and uncertainty, managing risk. Predictions of date of Eurozone entry and Eurozone expansion. Video by keynote conference speaker Dr Patrick Dixon, Futurist and author of 12 books on global trends. Euro, sterling, currency, inflation, central bank, bank, England, interest, rates, control, economy, growth, recession, economic.
April 21, 2008
Managing uncertainty -- strategy and innovation -- ...
When world changes -- how long does it take to develop new business strategy? Scenario planning vital to business success, contingencies, risk management, disruption of business, disaster planning, terrorist attacks. Global trends. September 11 and impact on aviation industry / British Airways business models. Rapid response to changes, currency crisis, political crisis. Multiple plans, dynamic leadership, flat leadership structures. Banks and insurance industry planning. Innovative thinking. Keeping business options open. Innovation in Google, experiments. Oil industry risk, fixed infrastructure investment.
Strategy, leadership, management, risk, change, trends, scenarios, planning, business, leaders, managers, Patrick, Dixon
April 20, 2008
Why teaching is such an important calling
All education has values. But often those values are hidden. Preparing students for future life. Motivation, leadership, purpose, meaning, spirituality, what people want out of life, personal fulfilment and happiness. Definition of real success. How do we measure student success. More than wealth and "achievement". Success in private life -- family, marriage, children, friendship, inner contentment. Helping students connect with their own passion to make a difference. Why young adults are rejecting work patterns of older generation. Rise of concern about getting a life, work-life balance. Career ambitions and life goals changing -- impact on education. Volunteering is booming, why volunteer work is sign of future. Why teaching is a noble calling. Importance of teaching. Video on future of education, high schools, colleges, universities, curriculum, trends, syllabus, exams, assessments, business schools, MBAs, degree courses - by Dr Patrick Dixon, Futurist conference keynote speaker for NAIS.
April 19, 2008
How to Double Your Productivity -- Leadership -- ...
How to double your productivity as a leader. Leadership development, output, efficiency and team effectiveness. How to make things happen. Secrets of change management. Leadership styles. The 80 20 rule or 80:20 rule. How small things have huge impact. Focus effort, cut least productive things. Leaders waste huge efforts, money and time doing things with little impact. Examples of 80:20 rule in leadership development. Leadership training video. Management training video. How to save costs and improve bottom line profit, shareholder value and return on equity. Why productivity gains really matter and how to achieve greater efficiency. Secrets of leadership success. Video by keynote conference speaker Dr Patrick Dixon, Futurist and author of 12 books on global trends including Futurewise and Building a Better Business.
Leadership, styles, productivity, success, change management, team impact, efficiency, cost reduction, profitability, business success, leaders, focus, customer, productivity, Patrick dixon
April 18, 2008
Sovereign wealth funds - what China will do next?
Sovereign wealth funds hold several trillion dollars. What will they do? Most was in long term Federal Bonds. Expect sovereign wealth fund managers to diversify into banking, technology, pharmaceuticals, manufacturing, mining and oil industry as well as real estate if prices fall further. Selling dollars on large scale is unlikely since it would lower dollar value and value of their remaining dollar investments. Video by conference keynote Futurist speaker Dr Patrick Dixon, author Futurewise. Sovereign wealth, funds, management, dollar, US economy, outlook, fall, rise, investments, portfolio, economic trends, emerging markets, patrick dixon
April 17, 2008
Strong dollar or weak dollar -- emotional issue for US
Bob McTeer (formerly part of Federal Reserve Board) has talked about possibility of a weaker dollar and why important in stimulating growth. Had a negative reaction from some of American public. Trade imbalance, competitiveness, exports growth, balance of payments. Behaviour of Sovereign Wealth Funds. Switch from Dollars to Euros. Foreign direct investment. Inward capital flows. Crash, depression, recession. Why do people blame Alan Greenspan for the sub-prime crisis? He lead the Federal Reserve Board during the dot-com crash, 9/11 and following years when interest rates in the US fell as low as 1% and America came close to deflation. These low interest years are now blamed for the housing boom, the flood of bad loans and the sub-prime crisis. But is this fair criticism of past economic events in America, with money supply issues, rising unemployment, falling or static economic output in early 2002? Video by keynote conference speaker Dr Patrick Dixon, Futurist and author of 12 books on global trends. Euro, sterling, currency, inflation, central bank, bank, England, interest, rates, control, economy, growth, recession, economic.
Alan Greenspan, Federal Reserve, America, American, output, unemployment, 9/11, dotcom, dot-com, bubble, housing, house, price, crash, burst, falling, Euro, sterling, currency, inflation, central bank, bank, England, interest, rates, control, economy, growth, recession, economic
April 16, 2008
UK joining Euro -- less likely after sub-prime crisis
Impact of subprime crisis on Euro entry date by Britain. Interest rate control Federal Reserve, European Central Bank (ECB) and Bank of England. Sovereignty and national autonomy to manage economy. Tigthening and loosening of monetary policy in response to inflation of commodities, retail price index and house market indicators. Eurozone control of economic policy. Government freedom in times of financial crisis and uncertainty, managing risk. Predictions of date of Eurozone entry and Eurozone expansion. Video by keynote conference speaker Dr Patrick Dixon, Futurist and author of 12 books on global trends. Euro, sterling, currency, inflation, central bank, bank, England, interest, rates, control, economy, growth, recession, economic.
April 14, 2008
Radical activism -- impact on education
New radical single issue movements and impact on education. Passion and single issues such as global warming, abortion, human rights. Power of petitions, campaigning organisations. Politics. Governments. Why single issues are important in education. Video on future of education, high schools, colleges, universities, curriculum, trends, syllabus, exams, assessments, business schools, MBAs, degree courses - by Dr Patrick Dixon, Futurist conference keynote speaker for NAIS.
April 13, 2008
Digital memory -- plug in for your brain
Fusing computer memory with brain tissue. Biodigital brains. Plug in modules for languages or data? Animal experiments. Digital memory extensions. Future of digital learning. Impact on education and university life. Video on future of education, high schools, colleges, universities, curriculum, trends, syllabus, exams, assessments, business schools, MBAs, degree courses - by Dr Patrick Dixon, Futurist conference keynote speaker for NAIS.
April 12, 2008
Globalisation -- educating students for a global future
Most colleges and high schools teach a narrow view of world. Globalisation of economy, job market, outsourcing, impact of mobility of workforce. Preparing students for virtual offices, teams and corporations. Pressures on personal lives and work life balance from international travel. Teaching third millennial skills for virtual communication and virtual team leadership, motivation and winning the war for talent. Increasing productivity. Video on future of education, high schools, colleges, universities, curriculum, trends, syllabus, exams, assessments, business schools, MBAs, degree courses - by Dr Patrick Dixon, Futurist conference keynote speaker for NAIS.
April 11, 2008
Tribalism in education -- radical force for future
Every class and school is a tribe. Power of tribalism in future world. Need for students to understand tribalism as force in family, community, nation, culture, brands, identity, belonging. Every group creates own tribes. Religion as tribal force. Future of traibalism. Clash of cultures. Christianity and Islam. Understanding other people's culture and tribes. Links of tribes to protest movements, activists and terrorist groups. Video on future of education, high schools, colleges, universities, curriculum, trends, syllabus, exams, assessments, business schools, MBAs, degree courses - by Dr Patrick Dixon, Futurist conference keynote speaker for NAIS.
April 10, 2008
Multichannel learning in Blackberry, YouTube and i-pod world
Engaging students in education using new technology, distance learning, impact of multimedia, distance learning, new classroom technology and techniques. Limitations of human speech and traditional classroom teaching skills. Why teaching methods need to change. Why books still have place in future. How to scan text, how to read a whole book in 10 minutes and scan a big newspaper in 5 minutes. Primary examination skills in future. Why scanning text needs to be taught to every pupil as a skill. Summarise, question, challenge. Video on future of education, high schools, colleges, universities, curriculum, trends, syllabus, exams, assessments, business schools, MBAs, degree courses - by Dr Patrick Dixon, Futurist conference keynote speaker for NAIS. (less)
April 09, 2008
Social and demographic / lifestyle trends -- impact on ...
Need for students to understand demographic challenges, global challenges. Issues of injustice (perceived) and potential for future conflicts. Example of oil industry in Nigeria. Militant activists, moral passion, attacks, sabotage, kidnapping, security issues. Small numbers of activists will have huge power in tomorrow's world. Video on future of education, high schools, colleges, universities, curriculum, trends, syllabus, exams, assessments, business schools, MBAs, degree courses - by Dr Patrick Dixon, Futurist conference keynote speaker for NAIS.
Work - life balance in emerging economies v America and EU
How work-life balance issue is changing as workers become wealthier through more than one generation. What people want from workplace. Soft issues and emotional intelligence. Purpose, meaning and motivation at work. Connecting with corporate vision and mission. Conference keynote speaker and Futurist Dr Patrick Dixon.
April 08, 2008
Limits to economic growth? Sustainability?
1 billion new consumers. Can economic growth continue indefinitely? What is the limit to resources? Limits on carbon, oil, gas, coal reservers. Potential impact of nuclear fusion technology. Commodities: aluminium, copper, steel, precious metals, water, farming land and food supplies, gold. Real challenges for future generations. Many problems are solveable if we can produce unlimited clean energy at relatively low cost with new technologies. Why meat production is so wasteful of resources. Conference keynote speaker and Futurist Dr Patrick Dixon.
April 07, 2008
How should global business reduce global poverty and ...
Example of social impact of AIDS foundation ACET. But business generates economic growth which can also have huge impact on poverty in poorest nations. Value of assets such as property grows. International trade benefit to emerging economies. Skills transfer and skills training. Positive impact of outsourcing in global well-being. Every job lost in America or Europe creates many new jobs directly and indirectly in Asia or Africa. Some of the wealth comes back to developed nations in demand for products and services. Globalisation can bring problems but also many benefits. But non-profit organisations and foundations also have vital role. Conference keynote speaker and Futurist Dr Patrick Dixon.
April 06, 2008
Leadership and motivation at work - conference speaker
How to lead people so they feel passionate about your corporate goals. Change management and business objectives. Connect with passion. Why people follow leaders. Leadership styles and effective leadership. Conference keynote speaker and Futurist Dr Patrick Dixon.
April 05, 2008
Life insurance and life expectancy -- conference speaker
Life expectancy and life insurance, pensions. High net worth clients live longer -- better educated. Impact of future health care improvements. Actuarial forecasts, government planning. Government and social impact, pensions crisis and risk management. Science and research trends into longevity. Patrick Dixon, conference keynote speaker and futurist.
April 04, 2008
Construction industry trends -- conference speaker
Lifetime use of carbon in buildings. Polymer concrete reduction in carbon use. Real estate development. Energy saving and construction of commercial offices, property development, factories and residential buildings. Commodity inflation. New materials, e-concrete and concrete polymers. Building techniques, architects, surveyors, planning approval and government regulations. Life expectancy of commercial buildings. Building techniques and intelligent buildings. Retro-fitting of commercial buildings. Built-in redundancy in construction industry. Patrick Dixon, conference keynote speaker and futurist.
April 03, 2008
Joint replacement for rheumatoid and osteoarthritis
Growing need with older population. Largest market in US. New treatments and methods. Plastic and metal hips wear out, need revision, complications, infection, dislocation. Preserve neck of femur. Using adult stem cells to regrow joint surfaces. Grow new cartilage. Repair knee, hip, shoulder repairs. Chronic pain and disability, lack of mobility, improving mobility and function, range of movement. Medical research. Orthopaedics / orthopaedics and rheumatology future trends. Patrick Dixon, conference keynote speaker and futurist.
April 02, 2008
Work-life balance or life-life balance? -- conference ...
Work - life balance now priority for majority of executives in many nations. How to get better balance in personal and family life. Children and parents. Friends and career direction. Job choices, workplace motivation and winning war for talent. Attracting and keeping best people. Part-time working and gender equality. Feminisation of workplace. Women outperforming men and business school, college and junior management. Macho office culture. Human resources and personnel issues. Employment law and legislation. Insensitivity and lack of emotional intelligence. Promotion of incompetent male workers.
April 01, 2008
How do I keep up to date as a futurist?
Keep informed on global trends. Understanding risk and opportunity. Key futuring methods and scenario methodologies. Building a future vision. Strategic planning and forsight. Take a fresh view on the world, watch people, learn all the time, be hungry to understand what does not at first make sense. You will be judged by your own track record of correctly anticipating important new trends. Patrick Dixon, conference keynote speaker and futurist.